2.3 Meta Modelling Platform - ADOxx

5 minute read

Development Support from ADOxx

The selected links below are the starting point for developing model-based apporach for robotics. To access additionally provided components, tools and information about the meta modellling platform ADOxx, please visit directly adoxx.org.

Download and Install the ADOxx Platform

Introduction about the Development of Modelling Tools

Design and Specification of Modelling Tools

  • Foundational material on conceptual models, modelling method development and meta models is provided at OMiLAB from the University of Vienna.
  • A design tool for the modelling method (Conceptual Meta Model, Platform Independent Meta Model, Platform Specific Meta Model) is provided as a Meta Model Designer.
  • A formal description of the modelling method can be expressed using FDMM.
  • A collection of existing sample modelling methods and their corresponding description can be found at the Application Library Repository.

Development Support for the Implementation of Modelling Tools

The following development approaches are supported:

Graphical representation are supported by:

  • A selection of graphical objects and the corresponding graphical description language for ADOxx (LEO): GraphRep Repository
  • A converter that translates an EMF (e.g. exported from power point) to the graphical language of ADOxx (LEO): EMF2LEO Converter Service

Building Blocks as functional extensions of the ADOxx platform:

  • In order to access RESTfull services on robot platform controllers, include the Extended HTTP Requests into your ADOxx based Modelling Tool.
  • In order to enable the monitoring of physical and non-physical devices, the ADOxxWEB DASHBOARD can be integrated into the ADOxx based Modelling Tool. The Olive - Micro-service Connector Service can be used to connect to the data sensors that provide the monitoring information.
  • To embed an ADOxx-based Modelling Tool into the Micro-service Framework Olive, access the open source project.
  • To access the ADOxx-based Modelling Tool from a third party component, an interoperability layer can be established with ADOxxWEB API.

Code Snippets and sample implementation:

Deployment of Modelling Tool

  • The deployment of the modelling tool using a distributable installation package is provided as a Packaging Service.
  • The deployment of the modelling tool using a web-application needs individual configuration, please ask info@adoxx.org.

Developer and Trainer Support
