3.1 Camera & Paper Figures - Logitech USB Camera

2 minute read

Camera & Paper Figures

1. Requirements

The camera is a type of sensor that is used to conceptualise the real world into a virtual world. Paper figures and the corresponding QR codes are representatives of the real world to enable haptic modelling.

  • Computer or Laptop
  • Webcam (Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 is recommended as the current setup is configured for this camera type else you will need to calibrate the camera)
  • Model Canvas
  • Paper Figures with QR-Codes

2. Sensor

In the OMiLAB environment, the camera is seen as a sensor that with the help of QR codes maps objects from real world into the conceptualised virtual world.


First, the canvas needs to be setup with the Tag-References on the top. This reference tag is needed to calculate the position of the QR codes that are attached to the paper figures. To ensure a stable recognition of the QR-codes, a lamp next to the camera provides a good level of brightness.

The paper figures have to be cut out, attached to the corresponding QR code and folded in such a manner that they can be transported and have a proper stand when used.

There are several ways of folding the paper or adding clips or corks to ensure such a behaviour.


  1. Scene2Model Canvas Setup Instructions
  2. Scene2Model Reference Tags
  3. Scene2Model Scene Figures
  4. Bill of Material - Camera


  1. SAP Scenes Webpage
  2. Augmented Reality Applications Webpage


  1. OpenCV
